An Introduction to financial literacy, by Courage Msimanga

Back HOME By Courage Msimanga , the Exec Director @SHIELD FOUNDATION Robert Kiyosaki in his book "Rich dad's guide to investment" shows how 80% of the wealth in the world is owned by 20% of the population and the other 80% of the population has to survive off of the remaining 10%. This is simply because many of us never really invested in our financial literacy. Many at times we focus on making money, attaining financial security and living comfortably and neglecting the key incremental element of life and that is financial independence. Also, for those to try to invest in their financial education, the majority still suffers with financial discipline, we are taught how to make money and save but no institution teaches how to spend money. Back HOME Financial discipline refers to how well you are able to conform your spending and saving to the plans that you have set for yourself. It is a continuous process and it evolves as your prioriti...